January 11, 2006

And not a minute too soon, most might suggest. Although Delay insisted he was not a part of the Abramoff investigation, connections between them are flying around. Crooks and Liars has some interesting video showing their mutual admiration society. So what do the planets say about Tom Delay? (Check out the original profile here.) Last year transiting Mars (aggression, individuality) made a challenging aspect to Pluto (power issues) in Delay’s chart. Mars/Pluto cycles deal with matters of power, domination aggression,... Read more

January 11, 2006

Thanks Stephanie Miller for giving me your accurate birth date and time, and I’ve updated my fan letter here. Read more

January 10, 2006

(This picture really says it all, doesn’t it??) In my earlier article about Darth Cheney I outlined Cheney’s first heart attack at the age of 36 when Chiron (the wounded healer) transited his natal Saturn/Sun square. The past month has been a particularly stressful time astrologically for Cheney since the Grand Cross of December/January (see other articles on the Grand Cross) crosses right over this system in his natal chart. During the last week of December transiting Mars squared transiting... Read more

January 10, 2006

I wish I could say that Alito’s planets are telling me that justice will be done and he will not be confirmed. Unfortunately, that is not the case. As I wrote earlier, Alito is a cautious warrior with an Aries Sun and Mercury, ruled by the god of War, combined with cautious and detailed Mars in Virgo. A look at planetary cycles affecting him right now (including harmonious aspects to the North and South Nodes of the Moon which represent... Read more

January 9, 2006

When George Bush first took office in 2000, no one would have ever have thought to compare him to Richard Nixon. The affable dope that is George Bush seemed as far from the deviant miscreant that Nixon was as you could possibly get. However, comparisons between the two are becoming easier and easier to draw. Today is the anniversary of Nixon’s birth, making today the logical day to explore the differences and similarities between them. The birthchart of Richard Nixon... Read more

January 8, 2006

I’ve been wanting to profile a woman here, and there haven’t been many women in the news lately. I want to cover Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein at some point, and I thought a noble first choice would be Christiane Amanpour who is just so fabulous. I also considered the annoying Rita Crosby. But then I decided it was most appropriate for my first female profile here to be Stephanie Miller. From the first time I listened to the Stephanie... Read more

January 6, 2006

Mars, the Warrior God, is approaching an opposition with Jupiter, the King God. Although the opposition won’t be exact until next week (January 13), we are already seeing the effects. Mars represents our personal will and desire, it shows how we express ourselves aggressively and how we go about getting what we want. Jupiter represents our highest aspirations – our search for meaning and truth. When these two guys oppose each other the result is arrogance, braggadocio, and generally obnoxious... Read more

January 6, 2006

Show me someone who doesn’t believe that astrology works, and I’ll show you someone who reads newspaper horoscopes. If I had my way I would ban those stupid things from every publication across the globe! There is simply no way that you can predict someone’s future from their sun sign. The astrological makeup of each individual is very complex, and requires a great deal of analysis and synthesis to be able to draw any conclusions. So when skeptics say that... Read more

January 5, 2006

Ariel Sharon has arguably been one of the most significant figures in world history over the past thirty years. (painting by W. Horvath: The Spiral of Violence) Because of the importance of Israel in world politics and the growth of international terrorism, decisions made there have had enormous global impact. Ariel Sharon has been a fierce warrior for his country, but has also been seen as a warmonger and destroyer of the Palestinian people. Ironically, Ariel Sharon has many of... Read more

January 4, 2006

One of my readers noted that I haven’t posted any profiles of women, but the Abramoff story is just too delicious and frankly, the only women in the news have been Lindsay, Britney and Jessica and I am not THAT much of a gossip hound. So let’s dive right into Jack Abramoff’s chart and see what makes him tick. (Photo courtesy of Village Voice) Abramoff was born with the Sun and Mercury in the watery, misty sign of Pisces. Pisces... Read more

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