January 3, 2006

Mercury has been traveling through the upbeat sign of Sagittarius for a month or so, and now moves into the serious sign of Capricorn. Mercury rules the mental functions, communication, small machinery and telephones, and generally the way we process information. When Mercury is in Capricorn, the sign of goals, accomplishment and leadership, information processing happens to serve a purpose. Capricorn is the sign that says “the ends justify the means,” and the means is often to preserve the established... Read more

January 2, 2006

This morning I sat down to set my goals for the year, something I used to do New Year’s Day but due to various social obligations this sacred process has now been relegated to the 2nd day of January instead. At any rate, I have my lists of goals from every year going back to 1990, the year I was divorced, when I went through the Tony Robbins 30 day program in about 5 days and set economic and personal... Read more

January 2, 2006

Although as I’ve said before I don’t believe that it’s really possible to predict the future, it’s fun to make a stab at it. This coming year brings some interesting planetary configurations that could have a strong impact. The stock market. Jupiter (abundance and opportunity) is currently traveling through Scorpio, which rules the stock market and shared resources. This would normally be beneficial to the stock market, but Jupiter is coming off of a square to Saturn in mid December... Read more

December 31, 2005

There’s something powerful about the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one. A sense of opportunity abounds, and there is a feeling that the slate can be wiped clean and a new beginning can take root. To accomplish that, we often set new year resolutions for things that we like to change, but we often lack the tools and motivation to really make those things happen. We may end up frustrated and with a sense... Read more

December 30, 2005

Although this aspect didn’t culminate until yesterday, it’s been in effect for some time as part of the Grand Cross so it hasn’t received the attention from me that it deserved. Mars square Saturn is often described as “driving with the brakes on” – Mars wants to go, to take action, and Saturn is the brakes that doesn’t allow motion to happen. Mars often represents willful behavior, arrogance, aggression, and Saturn is the paternal scolding voice. We can see this... Read more

December 29, 2005

Beth Owl’s daughter reminds me: By the way, as I’ve been discussing on my website, this New Moon is also a second New Moon in one month, as rare as Blue Moons, but not as widely known (since by definition, they are invisible)! Folklore calls the second New Moon the Black Moon. It has also been called the Secret Moon,the Finder’s Moon, and the Spinner Moon. It carries with it all the deep, wonderful magic of the New Moon, like... Read more

December 29, 2005

The New Moon this month is in Capricorn on December 30 at 10:11 PM EST. New Moons occur when the lunar principle of emotional mind fuses with the solar principle of conscious mind (the sun conjunct the moon). New moons are times of beginnings, of clearings of old baggage and making a new start. How appropriate that this New Moon occurs just before the New Year, and in Capricorn, the sign of discipline and focus. This is the perfect time... Read more

December 28, 2005

Jill tagged me with this, and while I’m not sure what it is I’m going to play anyway: Seven things to do before I die: Spend a month in the English countryside. Appreciate my husband 24 hours a day. Buy a little country place with a sunset view over a rolling meadow and pond. Finish and publish my astrology book. Take a long trip through Ancient Egypt and Greece. Be a foster mom to Golden Retrievers. Learn the art of... Read more

December 28, 2005

(For more information, see these past articles discussing the Grand Cross of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune in effect for the next few weeks.) For the past month or so, four planets have been dancing in a “Grand Cross” formation, with two sets of two planets opposite each other and square to their neighbors. Since early November, we have seen a face-off with Mars (god of war and aggression) in a square (90 degree angle, within 5 degrees) to Saturn... Read more

December 26, 2005

The celebration of Christmas at the Winter Solstice is one of the more recent celebrations to mark the longest night of the year. Today as we celebrate the return of the Sun and the birth of the Sun God, I thought I’d share this good article about the origins of Christmas. However you celebrate the season, I wish you all the love, peace and joy that life on Earth can bring. Read more

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