January 19, 2006

(Photo from Andrea’s Photo Blog.) I thought the quote below was perfectly appropriate as we continue our journey of Venus in retrograde motion (until February 3). Venus rules our sense of beauty as well as our ability to relate to others, and when retrograde we tend to RE-visit and RE-place some of our old ideas on how we relate and what we find to be beautiful. We also RE-examine our RE-lationship to our possessions and values, and we may RE-encounter... Read more

January 18, 2006

Over the past week or so we’ve seen the effects of warrior Mars opposing confident Jupiter as aggressive rhetoric (Mars) becomes more and more amplified (Jupiter) across the globe. Today Neptune joins the conflict between Mars and Jupiter, obscuring and confusing the conflicts. These three planets are locked in what we call a “T-square,” where Mars opposes (180 degrees) Jupiter, and Neptune square (90 degrees) both Mars and Jupiter. The opposition and square are challenging aspects, where each planet tries... Read more

January 17, 2006

Mars is the god of war, motivating us to aggressively act out our desires and establish good boundaries to protect what we have. Neptune tends to blur the boundaries of ordinary realities and offers us aspirations to seek a higher level of consciousness, an experience of the divine. When these two gods are in conflict, life can get confusing and facts are often obscured. When you include Jupiter, which expands us and brings confidence and philosophical ideals. The current spying... Read more

January 17, 2006

I was glad to see George Clooney won the Golden Globe for best supporting actor for his work in Syriana, a film that boldly exposes the corruption in the oil industry. After a period that he calls “his worst year,” it’s good to know that his luck has turned, something I predicted in my earlier profile in this very column. George is said to be thinking about settling down and finding his perfect mate, but that won’t be easy for... Read more

January 16, 2006

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is no mere radical fundamentalist – he is extremely well-educated with a master’s degree in engineering and a Ph.D. in traffic transportation planning. In 1975 he ranked 130th in the nationwide university entrance exams. Prior to being elected president, he was Mayor of Tehran where he reversed many of the reforms instituted by the previous more moderate administration. He was elected President as the protege of Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader (constitutionally elected religious leader) of Iran. Ahmadinejad is... Read more

January 15, 2006

We have been duped by Hollywood and our own sense of incompleteness into believing that somewhere there is one perfect person who is our “other half,” someone who is our perfect complement and will make us feel whole again. This fantasy is problematic for several reasons. As any of us who have been in dysfunctional relationships knows, two incomplete people coming together do not form one perfect whole. The goal is to become complete in oneself, to learn and grow... Read more

January 14, 2006

As earlier noted, today’s full moon is a powerhouse and it’s influence is likely to extend for several days. With Mars (god of war) in a strong conflict with both Jupiter (god of gods) and Neptune (illusion and confusion), we have already seen an increase in conflicts and tensions across the globe that seem to have no outlet. January’s full moon is known by Native American traditions as the “Wolf Moon.” Art at Aquarian Soul has this interesting article: Traditionally... Read more

January 13, 2006

Now that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have announced they are having a baby, I suppose it’s safe to assume they are a couple. My earlier profile of Brad on his birthday shows that Brad has been going through some challenging “midlife crisis transits” that have created lots of disruption in his life. Now let’s see what’s up with Ms. Jolie. Angelina Jolie is one of the most fascinating women of our time. Aside from her natural beauty which is... Read more

January 12, 2006

And all the night’s magic seems to whisper and hush. And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush. — Van Morrison, “Moondance” Full Moons occur when the solar conscious principle of the Sun opposes the instinctive lunar principle of the Moon. For thousands of years, humans have been mystified by full moons, attributing to them great power. Although there are studies on both sides of the aisle, there are several scientific studies demonstrating an increased murder rate... Read more

January 12, 2006

Now that the hearings have begun, we’re starting to see more about how Alito really works. Alito is an Aries male, and to really understand an Aries male from the inside check out this poem sent by a poster here, Michael J. Farrand. It really captures the essence of the Warrior archetype. My earlier post named Alito the “Cautious Warrior” and this is proving to be true. Although we don’t have Alito’s birth time which would give us his rising... Read more

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