April 11, 2017

It’s as ironic as it is frightening—a biblical text that preachers are suitably familiar with, as well as celebrate, is also one they are tempted to butcher weekly. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Two words in this sentence are particularly significant, yet often ignored. What would happen if we... Read more

March 30, 2017

What I hear when listening to a Lutheran explain Sanctification: Read more

February 1, 2017

I recently sat down with Dr. Gregg Allison. Gregg is Professor of Christian Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. Gregg recently co-authored a book titled The Unfinished Reformation, with Chris Castaldo. In December Gregg agreed to sit down with me to discuss his new book, as we at Redeemer Church had just finished our “Five Solas” series. Here’s a selected portion of the interview: Ryan Welsh (RW): In the beginning of the book, you ask the... Read more

January 10, 2017

The year 2017 is not just another year. Not for Protestant Christians. It’s no more just another year then it is just another year for a married couple to enter into their 40th year of marriage. Yes, it’s mathematically only one more year, but its significance is much larger. This year, 2017, marks the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, where Martin Luther famously nailed the 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. His actions,... Read more

November 12, 2016

The influx of acceptance for the practice of homosexual marriage and lifestyle is the most direct and potent attack on the sufficiency of Scripture today. Every month more “Evangelical” pastors, teachers, leaders, and bloggers publically confess their change of mind regarding today’s moral revolution. Most Bible-believing Christians who hold the historical and biblical view of sexuality and marriage are labeled bigots and haters. These labels persuade many in the church to change their stance, and not always for bad motives.... Read more

November 7, 2016

The Reformation is not over. The “Protestant” church today has declined back into many of the heretical doctrines of the past. If the reformers were alive today and they walked into the average American church, they would see and hear very little Protestant theology. This clip is from Redeemer Church (Bellevue, WA) on the first Sunday of “The Five Solas.”   Read more

November 1, 2016

In May 2016 D.A. Carson delivered a lecture at the Basics Conference in Cleveland, OH. His title was “Subtle Ways to Abandon the Authority of Scripture.” In this lecture, Carson does not concentrate on the arguments of skeptics, who intentionally cast doubt on the inerrancy and credibility of Scripture. Rather, he gives ten subtle ways that Christians, knowingly and unknowingly abandon the authority of Scripture. Below I summarize his ten ways: 1. Selective Silence This is seen particularly in the... Read more

October 12, 2016

  How would you feel if every time your child messed up, got in trouble, failed a test or sinned against you, they resolved to pay you back? They tried to please you with work or gifts. They tried to gain favor by serving. They felt as though your love and your acceptance would only return if they did enough to make up for the wrong. They continually tried to even out the ledger with credits to balance the debits.... Read more

October 4, 2016

When Pilate gave the crowd the choice between Jesus and Barabbas, they chose to free Barabbas and crucify Jesus. Why? Why would they choose to have a murderer and thief freed and the one who claimed to be the Son of God crucified? The answer is as simple as it is haunting—they chose the Jesus that met their strongest felt need. Ironically, we learn in Matthew 27:17 (in the Greek New Testament as well as the NRSV) that Barabbas’ first... Read more

September 15, 2016

Last Saturday night, Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate, Tim Kaine addressed a 4,000-person audience at the 20th Annual Human Rights Campaign National Dinner. This dinner has little to do with fighting for human rights, it’s not really about fighting anything at all—it’s a celebration of gay rights. Although Senator Kaine is a self-proclaimed “devout catholic,” he opined during his speech that he believes the Roman Catholic Church will change their stance on same-sex marriage. Here are his words: I think it’s going... Read more

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