Autumnal Updates

Autumnal Updates September 3, 2014

I haven’t been at my regular posting for the last week. Let me catch you up speed.

Ganesh with brownie.
Ganesh with brownie.

*Last Friday was Ganesh Chaturthi, Ganesh’s birthday. For many people, this involves a special puja and/or community celebrations. Some people celebrate for a week. Many Hindus in India make their own murtis out of various materials that dissolve in water; little Ganeshas float down rivers until they are no more.

In our house we have a birthday party. We gather our various Ganeshas, create a spot on the table for them, and then give thanks to Ganesh for his friendship and assistance. We sing happy birthday and have a special sweet dessert. We almost never have dessert in our house, so it’s a big deal – especially for the kids!

*I spent a lot of last week preparing for the start of the school year. My eldest entered first grade today. I am beyond excited for him. For his sake, I am looking forward to the education he’s going to get at the local Montessori school. We struggled to find a good fit for kindergarten; I think this will be much more his style. He’s an insatiable learner and social butterfly, so the daily stimulation will be great for him. I also have fond memories of most of education and I hope for the same for him. On my end, I need a break from my little guy. He is emotionally intense and I’ve been with him nearly every day for the last 6 years! I am looking forward to loving on my other kids and getting a lot of writing done!

*There was supposed to be a grand reveal yesterday, but it hasn’t worked out. I don’t know when I’ll be sharing this piece of news, but it’s coming.

*Lastly, I wrote on this here blog’s Facebook page (like it!) that I was working on an essay I had hoped to put up over the weekend. Well, that essay is now about 15 pages and counting, so I’m sorry to say it won’t become a blog post. However, I’m thinking of turning the ideas into a book! This is very exciting. My brain is aching from working in long form again. It’s been many years since I wrote anything longer than a blog post. I’m full of feelings, most notably “Holy crap, what if I don’t finish it, like I didn’t finish my dissertation?! What if I burn out on the topic?” To which my awesome husband replied, “You will be in good company with all the authors who started books they didn’t finish!” If the idea never makes it into book form, I plan to publish what I do have. I’ll keep you posted on progress.

May your autumn (or spring) be one of pleasant transition. May your efforts this summer bear delicious fruit!

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