April 23, 2018

“As a result, proposals that solely benefit minorities and dissect Americans into “us” and “them” may generate a few short-term concessions when the costs to whites aren’t too high, but they can’t serve as the basis for the kinds of sustained, broad-based political coalitions need to transform America. On the other hand, universal appeals around strategies that help all Americans (schools that teach, jobs that pay, health care for everyone who needs it, a government that helps out after a... Read more

November 30, 2017

Earlier, I wrote about the potential purple majority – the 41% of eligible voters who chose to sat out the election, which allowed the 2016 election to be a measurement of noise, not signal. That would still be a true statement had Hillary Clinton won. That is, fundamentally, a policy argument – the two parties do not offer anything to the Purple voters to persuade them to participate. However, there is also a structural problem in the way our democracy... Read more

October 26, 2017

The House just passed a budget resolution that does two astonishing things: first, it changes reconciliation rules to only require a simple majority instead of the 60-vote threshold in the Senate to overcome a filibuster. Second, it formally states the GOP intention to repeal the state and local tax deduction (SALT) on income taxes. Big news – Budget just passed! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2017 SALT is unequivocally a middle-class tax benefit: The study, conducted by the... Read more

October 24, 2017

The one positive thing about the Harvey Weinstein tragic farce is that it has empowered women to speak up. Like anyone else with functional moral values, I am humbled and angered by the flood of #MeToo posts on my Facebook feed, that starkly demonstrated just how pervasive is this sickness in our society and civilization. This isn’t a problem for women to solve – it requires men to also step up. “Well, I haven’t ever sexually abused anyone” is a... Read more

July 28, 2017

Senator McCain came in for a lot of criticism in liberal circles the past few days, because he cast a procedural vote to allow the vote for Obamacare repeal to proceed, even as he said he would not support the bill. This was interpreted as hypocrisy because right now, partisan passion is inflamed to the point of erasing benefit of the doubt. So let us extend credit where it is due – John McCain came through – and by voting... Read more

July 13, 2017

Truly, the literal worst thing about this story is how unsurprising it is – for two reasons: KALKASKA, Mich. (AP) – A local official in northern Michigan refuses to apologize for sharing Facebook posts calling for the killing of “every last Muslim” and for nuclear weapons to be used on the world’s 10-largest Muslim-majority cities. Jeff Sieting, the village president in Kalkaska, which is about 230 miles (370 kilometers) northwest of Detroit, said Monday that he doesn’t owe anyone an... Read more

June 13, 2017

Sir, I love you more than words can wield the matter; Dearer than eye-sight, space, and liberty; Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare; No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour; As much as child e’er loved, or father found; A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable; Beyond all manner of so much I love you. Read more

June 2, 2017

Unlike virtually everyone else of my fellow political travelers yesterday, I was not very miffed by Trump’s (entirely political, not policy-driven) withdrawal from the Paris accords yesterday. The reason is that Paris was nothing more than a fig leaf for the developing countries to do absolutely nothing. India and China in particular are taking action towards their “goals” under Paris, but those goals fall well short of the 2°C target for meaningful change as defined by the IPCC, let alone... Read more

April 3, 2017

if dems dont filibuster Gorsuch: he is confirmed, next vacancy trump nominates a scalia clone, dems filibuster, GOP goes nuclear /1 — Aziz H.Poonawalla (@azizhp) March 30, 2017 therefore, outcome if dems dont filibuster: gorsuch confirmed, scalia clone confirmed, SCOTUS moves right, senate goes nuclear /2 — Aziz H.Poonawalla (@azizhp) March 30, 2017 if dems do filibuster: GOP goes nuclear, gorsuch (probably) confirmed, scalia clone nominated for next vacancy, confirmed /3 — Aziz H.Poonawalla (@azizhp) March 30, 2017 therefore, if... Read more

March 10, 2017

Welcome to Aziz for America! This campaign is about you, not me – about We, the people, and the ideal that government should be Of, For, and By that people. There is only one people – not red and blue, not liberal and conservative, not white and black. If we will it, we are Indivisible. We are One Nation. America is Great. That is because America is an idea – it is the Proposition that certain truths are self-evident: all... Read more

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