October 18, 2010

We’ve made a decision. We’re going home for Christmas. This is a big deal for many reasons. Practically, we have three kids and only four arms between the two of us, so that makes an all-day shuffling from airport to plane to airport to plane on standby tickets all the more difficult. For me personally, I really don’t like decorating our house for Christmas if we’re not going to be here. It just seems so wasteful. But Christmas is my... Read more

October 15, 2010

I’m tired today, so no pithy comments, no witty jokes, not even a list of bizarre and funny things. Just me, tired. But not too tired to blog. #7 Nourishing Traditions I swear I’m not getting obsessed, I just thought I’d provide an update. We got through the week okay, and I thought every recipe we tried was pretty good. I’d make some minor adjustments here or there next time, but all in all the cookbook is worth it as... Read more

October 13, 2010

You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you’ll find, you get what you need.  (Disclaimer: this is not a post about the Rolling Stones, but now I kinda wish it was.) The last few nights we’ve been having issues with our oldest, Sienna. Sienna has always been (and really still is) a great sleeper; 10-12 hours at night and at least an hour and a half during the day. We’ve had weird issues with her... Read more

October 11, 2010

Here in our household, we’ve started a new way of eating. It’s based on research conducted by Weston A. Price, a dentist who examined the eating habits and health of primitive cultures, and the books we’re using are Nourishing Traditions and Eat Fat, Lose Fat. I’m not going to bore you with the details, I’m just going to tell you how it’s working out so far. The Ogre is thrilled, because his two favorite food groups, butter and meat, are... Read more

October 8, 2010

I’m a brat. If you asked me, off the cuff, if I am a nice, open-minded, non-judgmental person, I would say yes. But when you get right down to it, I’m the opposite. How do I know this? Because recently there have been a slew of things in my life that have changed rather dramatically (see this post that, in fact, started this whole blog), and suddenly I find myself eagerly taking part in things that…well, things that I used... Read more

October 7, 2010

There are some refusals which, though they may be done what is called conscientiously, yet carry so much of their whole horror in the very act of them, that a man must in doing them not only harden but slightly corrupt his heart. One of them was the refusal of milk to young mothers when their husbands were in the field against us. Another is the refusal of fairy-tales to children. Two years ago, when we first moved to Nevada,... Read more

October 4, 2010

I know I promised to write about fairy tales, and I’m going to. It’s just that the research for this particular post involves reading Tremendous Trifles, and I got so distracted by the research that I sort of forgot about the post. G.K. Chesterton is hilarious. Anyway, my parents are also in town for a surprise visit (hurrah!) so I probably won’t have time to get to the fairy-tale post until tomorrow night. But I thought I would let you... Read more

October 2, 2010

Trying something new this week! Sort of like Quick Takes, The Saturday Evening Blog Post is hosted over at Elizabeth Esther’s place, and various bloggers choose their favorite posts from the past month to put on Mister Linky’s Magical Widget. Seriously, that’s what it’s called. I love it. Go check it out, click around, and link your own blog! I’ll be back in a day or two with a new post about fairy-tales. I’m really excited about this one! And... Read more

October 1, 2010

This has been a really sad week, news-wise. From the despicable depths our nation’s leaders are sinking to in order to win an election to the suicide of Tyler Clementi, which will undoubtedly ruin many lives connected to the whole sordid affair, it seems like things on earth are spiraling downward. So I’ve decided to remind everyone (and myself) of the wonderful things we still enjoy on our planet. #7 Flowers I used to be one of those people who... Read more

September 30, 2010

  It occurred to me today that perhaps I should explain the quote that appears at the top of my new-and-improved (thanks to the Ogre) blog. On the one hand, it doesn’t need much explanation. It’s a few lines from one of the most amazing poems ever written in the English language, “Love Calls Us to the Things of This World.” The author is the only man I’ve ever loved without meeting (don’t worry, the Ogre is okay with this),... Read more

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