Thanks for visiting my Patheos blog. This is where I share a bit of my journey: questions I’m currently asking, tools that have helped me, wisdom teachers who continue to guide me, and ways I’m seeking to engage the world in a loving way. You can also find me on my website or on Instagram (that’s the best place to get in contact with me!).
On this page, I’ve organized many of my blog posts based on the question or questions they might help to answer. Reach out if you have any questions of your own!
What does it even mean to be Christian anymore?
- What is Healthy Religion? (Part 1 and Part 2)
- Experiencing Easter as a Universal Story
- What Do I Mean When I Say “Spiritual?”
- A Quick Ash Wednesday Meditation
- What is Your Image of God…and Do You Believe In It?
Who can I listen to for spiritual guidance?
- 7 Books That Have Shaped My Spirituality
- 24 Wisdom Teachers Who Have Changed My Life
- How Action and Contemplation Work In Us, According to Thomas Merton
- Book Recommendation – HELD: blessings for the depths
Questions I’ve been hearing the most from others:
- What is an embodied spirituality?
- What are contemplative practices?
- How can I integrate contemplation and action in my life?
- How do I find spiritual teachers near me?
About Me:
An educator by day, I spend my evenings facilitating workshops and gatherings helping people find and engage an embodied spirituality that works for them. I’m not an expert or a “thought leader,” whatever that is. I’m a fellow journeyer, working to share what has been meaning-filled for me.
As an alumnus of the Living School for Action and Contemplation, I’ve had the great honor to sit at the feet of modern mystics Richard Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault, Brian McLaren, Barbara Holmes, and Jim Finley, while also learning from the wisdom of teachers like angel Kyodo williams, Teresa of Ávila, and Howard Thurman.
For the past nine years, I’ve led workshops on contemplative spirituality and community development throughout the Pacific Northwest.
To stay up-to-date on my workshops: visit my website,
– Andrew