Recently I was honoured to be a part of a weekend of talks, hosted by the publisher Moon Books.
A whole host of Pagan authors gathered together to give talks about various subjects, and all for free.
Some talks were individual speakers, others were panels gathered together to discuss a certain subject.
The event ran from the Moon Books facebook page and you can find all the replays there…
If you prefer, the talks have also been uploaded to the Moon Books YouTube channel.
The list and links
Here is a list for each talk and a link to YouTube.
Rachel Patterson – The Element of Earth
Mabh Savage, Debi Gregory, Fiona Tinker – Pagan Parenting
Luke Eastwood – Trees – spiritual and practical lore
Andrew Anderson – Artio & Artaois, the Celtic bear gods
Lucya Starza – Magic for the month of June
Elen Sentier – Treading Elen’s Ways
Chris Allaun – Spirits of the Otherworld
Kenn Day, Imelda Almqvist, Kelley Farrell – Shamanism: Ancestral medicine, animism and eldering
Ellen Evert Hopman – What do we really know about the Druids?
Morgan Daimler, Mael Brigde, Erin Aurelia – The Goddess Brigit
Cyndi Brannen – Hekate’s help desk
Julie Brett, Frances Billinghurst, Jane Meredith – Spirituality from the Southern Hemisphere
Elen Sentier & Rachel Patterson – Shooting the Wild Witch Breeze
Robin Herne, Brendan Howlin, Andrew Anderson – The Druid Dudes
Kylie Holmes – Runic magic, using runes in divination
Steve Andrews – Herbs of the Sun, Moon and planets
Hearth Moon Rising – Staring back at the deer
Robin Corak – Demeter, dealing with grief and loss
Laura Perry – Deathwalking: Psychopomp work in the modern world
Jhenah Telyndru – Shapeshifting and sovereignty
Taren S Witchery – The Magick of the Psalms
Morgan Daimler – Irish Gods and Fairies
Irisanya Moon – Magick of the heart
A huge big thank you to the Moon Books editor, Trevor Greenfield for planning the event and to all the wonderful speakers.