Sometimes God Has A Better Plan…

Sometimes God Has A Better Plan… July 3, 2019

a jail cell reminds us of the time Paul spent in prison. Sometimes God has a better plan.
Image by Ichigo121212 from Pixabay

We Have Our Own Ideas…

about how our lives should play out. We decide in advance where we should work, who we should marry, where we should live and how many kids we’ll have. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but things rarely work out exactly the way we planned.

St. Paul always wanted to visit Rome to share the Good News and strengthen the faith of those who lived there:

For I long to see you, that I may share with you some spiritual gift so that you may be strengthened,that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by one another’s faith, yours and mine. (Romans 1:11-12)

But things didn’t work out the way he envisioned.

But Sometimes God Has A Better Plan

Because he ended up as a prisoner, Paul had the opportunity to share the gospel with numerous guards and write a variety of letters that have drawn millions of souls to Christ.

I want you to know, brothers, that my situation has turned out rather to advance the gospel, so that my imprisonment has become well known in Christ throughout the whole praetorium and to all the rest, and so that the majority of the brothers, having taken encouragement in the Lord from my imprisonment, dare more than ever to proclaim the word fearlessly. (Philippians 1:12-14)

Paul had a good plan, but God’s plan was even better.

Trust That He Knows Best

When things don’t work out the way you expect, try giving God the benefit of the doubt and realize that he knows best. You might not understand it now (or ever, for that matter), but the Lord has a pretty decent history of bringing good out of all situations. If things look bleak right now, don’t give up. He is ALWAYS in control.

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