If You’re Feeling Hopeless, Try This…

If You’re Feeling Hopeless, Try This… October 7, 2019

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

I know what it’s like to feel hopeless. It may surprise you, but it happens to me frequently. I also know that feelings aren’t facts. On those days when my problems look insurmountable and all I see is darkness, I remind myself of the fact that all things are possible with God. Then I cry out to him and ask for help. Sometimes the feeling of doom doesn’t go away immediately, but I know he hears me. Eventually, my peace returns.

While trapped in the belly of a whale, Jonah felt the same way. Here’s what he wrote:

Out of my distress I called to the LORD, and he answered me; From the womb of Sheol I cried for help, and you heard my voice. (Jonah 2:3)

I can’t tell you how God will respond to your cries for help, but I can guarantee that he will hear you and will answer in the best way possible, when the time is right. Don’t ever stop crying out!

Let’s pray…

Heavenly Father – Sometimes it doesn’t feel like you are listening, but I know that you are. Even though I can’t see you, I know that you’re real. I also know that you love me with an unconditional love. Still, I sometimes feel like Jonah while he was trapped in the belly of a whale. All I can see is darkness. Like Jonah, however, I choose to cry out to you. I know that you will hear my voice and answer when the time is right. Help me to avoid becoming discouraged while I wait. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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