August 10, 2018

Sarah Buhrman, whom I've mentioned before, and whom you probably know from the Pagan Musings Podcast, is also a Pagan fiction writer, author of the Runespells series. She joined me to chat about magical realism, Pagan symbolism in fantasy, and the challenges of being a working class writer. Read more

August 6, 2018

Here's an episode of Witchcraft & Voodoo you haven't seen yet. This one is about ritual in our traditions. Read more

August 3, 2018

Once again I joined Sarah Buhrman on the Pagan Musings Podcast! This time we discussed how to create spells for success for creative Pagans. It draws heavily on the research I did for my book The Witch's Eight Paths of Power, demonstrating by example a few different methods to improve your overall spellwork by forming clear Intent, and utilizing as many senses as possible to fuel the power of your spells. I think it's an excellent crash course in spellwork! Read more

July 30, 2018

Here's an episode of Sit for a Spell you haven't seen yet. This one is for physical protection, primarily vs. accidents. Read more

July 28, 2018

If you're an empath overwhelmed by the stress of healing trauma, for yourself or others; or if you're struggling to heal your own trauma, I think this might be worth your time. Read more

July 25, 2018

Witches and Pagans like fantasy. The question for me is why? Read more

June 25, 2018

The following article is the transcription of the second half of Witchcraft & Voodoo Episode 9: Ancestors, which aired on Lilith’s YouTube channel on Monday May 21st. Episode 10 was aired on my YouTube channel on Monday, June 4. Transcription resumes at 19:45: LILITH: No, I agree! I agree! I mean, I did get my kids vaccinated; I got them half vaccinations, which is a thing, in case anybody knows that! (laugh) But, you know, and I do! I think... Read more

May 30, 2018

The following article is the transcription of the first half of Witchcraft & Voodoo Episode 9: Ancestors, which aired on Lilith's YouTube channel on Monday May 21st. Episode 10 will be aired on my YouTube channel on Monday, June 4. Read more

May 24, 2018

Here’s the archive of my appearance on the Pagan-Musings Podcast. It’s very off-the-cuff! This is probably is the closest to how I am IRL that I’ve heard on a podcast because I was so relaxed. Enjoy! Read more

May 7, 2018

Hey everyone! I’m bringing back my popular web series Sit for a Spell! This time I’m starting with a charm to get a job and simple charms to bring success! I’m going to transcribe each of these videos for the hearing impaired; the transcription of Episode 22 is featured below, and I’ll include the link to each transcription in future Patheos articles, which will be linked in the video description. Enjoy! Sit for a Spell Episode 22: Get a Job... Read more

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