From Austin to Asbury– A Week to Remember

From Austin to Asbury– A Week to Remember June 6, 2015


Austin is one funky town. One of their mottos is— ‘Keep Austin Weird’. I’d prefer Austin. Where the Odd get Even. Not odd at all is my old friend Stan Reid above in front of the old timey grocery store. Stan’s the head of Austin Graduate School of Theology.


There is a certain bohemian quality to Austin, it wants to be both nouveau and old school all at once. For example, on the one hand it specializes in old fashioned ice cream parlors, like Amys.

It celebrates old school baseball, see here Nolan Ryan’s jersey hanging in Salt Lick, a Texas barbecue restaurant.

And then there are 19th century hotels, like the Driskill…

aus5aus6 No that is not Bevo up there on the wall, thank goodness.

There is also a 60s Hippie vibe in Austin…..aus7

And then there is the giant park in the middle of town with the philosopher’s rock and its inscription celebrating an earlier 20th century Austin philosopher who had Socratic sessions in this park.

After a busy week in Austin teaching at a sermon seminar, I raced home for Asbury seminary graduation where I got to share in the joy of two of my doctoral students getting their diplomas— that’s Brad Johnson on the left (no, not the one who quarterbacked for the Cowboys), and Jason Myers on the right. They are now the boys in the hood!

Finally, here is the Biblical Studies faculty with the doctoral students. You may recognize some of these folks 🙂

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