Greensboro and High Point Part One

Greensboro and High Point Part One December 3, 2015


Ah the divine swine! While in Greensboro to do lectures at my former doctoral student’s college, Greensboro College (a UMC school, on which see the poster below), we managed to squeeze in some local ‘cue, as it’s called locally. We went to two famous barbecue joints— one in Greensboro, and one in Durham. They are Bullocks (Durham) and Stamey’s (Greensboro) and they both serve eastern N.C. style barbecue, which means hickory smoked chopped pork, with vinegar sauce and pepper (and crunchy bits). It is yummy.

But ours was not mainly a culinary expedition, as work was involved, bbq4

And we had time for some serious reflection on the civil rights movement which really got rolling in Greensboro at the downtown Woolworth’s lunch counter sit in, long before MLK really got rolling. In fact Feb. 1 1960 was when this transpired. Here are some of the things you see when you visit this moving exhibition. ww1www2www3www4www7www6www5

It is well to remember that: 1) these were four young college students who were brave enough to try and change the rules about segregation and separation; 2) they followed various Christian principles of non-violence and non-resistance when they tried to effect change; 3) MLK himself was influenced by reading E. Stanley Jones’ account of Gandhi’s life, Jones being a Methodist missionary in India who sought to incorporate the principles of Gandhi for the sake of the Gospel. Gandhi himself attributed the principles to Jesus. 4) Jones was a graduate of Asbury College 🙂

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