Praise for “Southern Discomfort”

Praise for “Southern Discomfort” June 12, 2016


Southern Discomfort
Ben Witherington III

Southern Discomfort chronicles the trials and tribulation of Masey Bumgarner, recently widowed, who returns from her summer vacation to discover that her town, Pineville, North Carolina, has decided to pave a four-lane highway through her front yard . . . without her permission or even sufficient advance notice. After consultation with her pastor, she decides to contest the location of this project in court. Along the way, her lawyer and his detective discover all sorts of shady dealings. Southern Discomfort chronicles the graft and corruption that is revealed in the court case—and the desperate acts of the proponents of the highway to keep the project on course. Along the way, there is a murder, a romance, and finally a wedding, in addition to the resolution of the court case.

“Southern Discomfort wraps itself around you like a blanket, then
warms you from the inside out, as you find yourself in a rollicking
good story where a little church and the Bible make occasional
but unabashed appearances, as happens in the real world
but not in many novels.”
Senior Minister, Myers Park United Methodist Church, Charlotte

“Southern Discomfort has narrative suspense, a wide range of
characters, and amusing dialogue. It’s an entertaining story of a
little old lady’s fight against the dirty tricks of a political-industrial
Bowman and Gordon Gray Professor of English and Comparative Literature,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

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Only $9.99 on Kindle, and also available at discount in paperback, especially from Wipf and Stock but also on Amazon. The perfect summer beach reading!

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