I Dream of a Better America

I Dream of a Better America August 14, 2016

Turkey2011 344

I dream of a better America that lives by faith not fear.
I dream of a better America that becomes less polluted each year.
I dream of better America that does not listen to lies.
I dream of a better America that I can look right in the eyes.
I dream of a better America that is not crude, or rude, or lewd.
I dream of a better America from which honesty and integrity exude.
I dream of a better America that cultivates saints more than soldiers.
I dream of a better America known for kindness and broad shoulders.
I dream of a better America not endless entertained.
I dream of a better America not so decidedly lame-brained.
I dream of a better America where music and art are essential.
I dream of a better American wise, careful, prudential.
I dream of a better America that stops defending its sin and shame.
I dream of a better America that stops thinking life is a game.
I dream of a better America that is not so sex obsessed.
I dream of a better America where less people of color face arrest.
I dream of a better America that realizes that every life has sacred worth.
I dream of a better America that knows life begins before birth.
I dream of a better America, that values virtue more than victory.
I dream of a better America that knows its flaws and its history.
I dream of a better America not obsessed with all its possessions.
I dream of a better American not known for boasting, but true confessions.
I dream of a better America where the most vulnerable are cared for and loved.
I dream of a better America that knows all good things come from above.
I dream of a better America less self-centered more self-sacrificial.
I dream of a better America well served by its public officials.
I dream of a better America that diligently seeks peace not war.
I dream of a better America that shows respect for the weak and the poor.
I dream of a better America that loves, listens, and learns.
I dream of a better America that knows it’s about character, not how much you earn.
I dream of a better America no longer armed to the hilt,
I dream of a better America that forgives, not causes more blood to be split.
I dream of a better America that has not lost its way,
I dream of a better America that let’s God’s Word have a say.
I dream of a better America that honors true godly marriage
I dream of a better America that does not let justice miscarriage.
I dream of a better America where we can all truly get along.
I dream of a better America where our diversity makes us strong.
I dream of a better America where our children rise up and call us blessed
I dream of a better America that always does what’s best.

And I pray that God will not give us, the leaders we now deserve,
Because we don’t need a King Saul, but rather one who is among us to serve.
Somewhere along our strange journey
Our nation has lost its way,
And one thing I know for certain,
We need to get on our knees and pray.

For our Christy, who loved this country, and would have been 37 today. I miss you babe, and I trust you are one of the better angels of my nature still. Love, Dad

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