War’s Wisdom— a Poem

War’s Wisdom— a Poem September 15, 2018


They say there is no wisdom

They say it isn’t so,

They stir up rainy weather

But then it starts to snow.

Poor prognosticators

Pungent pundits too

They trust their own predictions

But don’t know what to do.

The politics of fear,

And self protection reign

As if killing all our foes

Was possible and sane.

We alienate our allies

We say we’ll go alone
We ignore prevailing wisdom

And enter a war zone.

And no one’s even asking

What would the Master say

We sing our patriotic songs

When things go wrong we pray.

It’s right to ask for sacrifice

Whene’er the cause is just

Whenever truth is being served

When God’s the one we trust.

Vengeance is no solution.

Observe the Holy Land

Sick cycles of destruction

Bad blood flows in the sand.

There surely is a wisdom

Its spoken in God’s Word

It speaks of holy sacrifice

Not one that is absurd.

It calls for love of enemy

And giving lives for friends

It calls for taking up the cross

Through suffering, violence ends.

Lamech called for vengeance

Seventy-seven fold,

Jesus said forgive that much

Before the night grows cold.

“Vengeance is surely mine”

Thus speaks a sovereign Lord,

And when we try to play God

We violate his Word.

Someday the lion will lie down

Next to the harmless lamb.

Someday the swords will be retooled

For plowing up the land.

Someday we’ll see that ‘just wars’

Are never just enough

Someday we’ll realize the kingdom’s for

The meek, not for the tough.

Until that day we all must pray

For forgiveness– what have we done?

For those who live by the sword

Lose, even when they’ve won.

Somewhere there is an endgame

Without the sound of taps

A plan to play a different role

Blessed peacemakers perhaps.


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