The State Capitol Building in Denver

The State Capitol Building in Denver December 29, 2018

Of the various governmental buildings in downtown Denver (including the Federal Mint), the most impressive is the capitol building which sits on a hill exactly at the mile high level! You can see the markers on the back steps of the capitol building indicating the exact spot.

These are views from those back steps. On the front side of the capital building is a very sad statue– of an Indian with a bent spear and a bison, down for the count. For the record, the proper name of that animal is bison, not buffalo, and the hilarious story of where the latter word comes from is as follows— some French trappers were at the Platte river looking for beavers to trap, when they saw some bison next the the river. One of them reportedly mentioned the boeuf a l’eau… the beef at the water, which in garbled transliteration becomes buff a lo……

All but two state capitol buildings have domes, usually golden ones (bonus points if you can name the two).

It is the inside of this capitol building that is especially impressive… That’s red granite, the last of it in that state…

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