About ‘Mature’ or ‘Adult’ Language

About ‘Mature’ or ‘Adult’ Language February 25, 2019

Long ago, B.C. (by which I mean before cellphone), I was raised not to use scatalogical language by my Christian parents. Furthermore, I was raised not to use crude language about excrement etc. either. Unfortunately, this language has not only resurfaced in a big way, but many youth today think that by using this language they are ‘cool’ or being ‘adult’ or worse still ‘being creative’. Frankly, there is nothing less creative than using four letter words in a song, or a rap, or casual conversation. In fact, it reflects a lack of imagination, not the expression of it.

Now, some people may say that we need expletives to express how angry or upset we are when things go wrong. It seems to have more force than ‘darn it’, or ‘aw shucks’. But there is some incongruity in all this. If you really do have a legitimate righteous anger why would you want to use words that refer to human filth, or illicit sex to punctuate your sentences, and punch them up? Even worse why would you use words like ‘God damn’…
especially if you don’t really want God to damn something or someone, you’re just ticked off. And then there is the warning of Jesus that if you call someone a name, like ‘you stupid fool’, you are liable to hellfire. Yikes! Jesus said that our words should be simple, transparent, letting our yes be yes, and our no be no, and not using oaths or swearing to reinforce it.

I was looking at the ESPN website recently and saw an ad for a particular show, which came with the warning—
‘Includes mature language’? Really???? If you ask me, that kind of language is juvenile, immature, it’s the kind of language teenagers use to seem like they are all grown up (and they aren’t).

Of course the language we use is a reflection of what’s going on in our minds and hearts, and what sort of cultural influences we are absorbing. As the computer dudes say— ‘garbage in, garbage out’. Think about these things.

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