From Philippians to the Philippines– Part Two

From Philippians to the Philippines– Part Two March 7, 2020

The Philippines is literally full of churches of all sorts of denominations. Originally it was overwhelmingly Catholic since the island was colonized by the Spanish (hence various Spanish named towns, monasteries etc). I quickly took the following shot in transit, which tells you how much Christianity has some impact on the culture— you wouldn’t find road signs like this one in the U.S.

Even the mountains are semi-tropical and there are many many beautiful flowers, trees etc.

The hospitality at the seminary was great, and there were perhaps 200 or so people who had come all the way up in the mountains to hear me lecture on how to properly interpret the Bible contextually. Some had come from New Zealand, some from Singapore, some from China, some from Hong Kong, some from all over the Philippines. There was an interesting contrast, because the ones coming from New Zealand were Samoans about the size of that famous Samoan– Dwayne Rock Johnson!!! Next to the small Chinese and Philippinos, the pictures made for remarkable contrasts. A good time was had by all, and I enjoyed a nice Thai and a nice Greek meal while there.

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