Questions a Pandemic Raises for Believers

Questions a Pandemic Raises for Believers April 8, 2020

Here’s a question I got recently from someone who writes me from time to time with questions—-

Hi Ben,

Seems like people can’t talk about anything else… Corona.
How do we look at this? Is this a judgment of part of a fallen world?
Does God judge in these ways or how does that work?


And here is my response—–

Read 1 Kings 19— ‘there was a great wind, but the Lord was not in the wind, there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the eartrhquake, there was a fire, but God was not in the fire’. You cannot read the will of God from natural disasters…. Can God use such things to bring people together and make the world a better place—- yes? But God’s will can’t be read from the spread of the corona virus.



P.S. In short you can ignore all those false prophets and teachers out there who think they can co-ordinate this pandemic with particular Biblical prophecies, and thereby calculate where we are in the eschatological time table. Every such attempt in the past 2,000 plus years has had a 100 percent failure rate. You should continue to ask good questions like Dirk’s above, and ignore the false prophets.

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