The Records that Prove the Holocaust Happened

The Records that Prove the Holocaust Happened March 17, 2021

Unfortunately we live in an age where realities are denied. Fantasy is allowed to replace it.  My father fought in WWII and saw the devastations wrought by the Nazis, not least the concentration camps. As my Jewish friends say– ‘we must never forget’.  I bring this up because the twin sins of hatred of Jews and white supremacy have reared their ugly heads again in America.  If it were up to me, I would require members of such hate groups to go first to the Holocaust Museum in D.C. and sit through the films and see the artifacts, and then send them to Deutschland to this archive, or at least require them to now read all the way through the digitized versions of these records.  But most of all I would pray that God would perform a miracle in the lives of these willfully ignorant and arrogant people and give them not merely understanding and a better grip on reality, but a new heart.

We live in a time when human fallenness and racism masked as patriotism or love of country has been allowed to dominate the lives of many American citizens.  As the old saying goes, if you deny the truth and reality, you are wide open to fall for anything, any conspiracy theory that comes down the track.  God help us in this dark hour in which we fight not merely a disease that attacks our bodies (COVID 19), but a sin disease that is eating up the minds of otherwise ordinary Americans.

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