N.T. Wright’s Galatians– Part Forty Two

N.T. Wright’s Galatians– Part Forty Two August 17, 2021

Q. I like the idea of Christian ethics as part of a rehumanizing process. Can you explain a bit more what you mean by that? I take the point that fleshly behavior is self-centered, and the fruit of the Spirit is other directed and creates community.

A. The point of being Christian is to be a renewed human . . . ‘conformed to the image’ etc (Rom 8.29; Col 3.10). In Revelation 5 humans are rescued by the Lion/Lamb in order to be ‘the royal priesthood’ – a theme repeated in Revelation, indicating that humans are designed to be God’s agents in the wise ruling of his world – starting with their own bodies and communities! – and also the world’s representatives in summing up the praises of creation. This is all about being made in God’s IMAGE (the image being the central feature of the Temple which is the whole of creation, heaven and earth together).


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