Remember the Alamo– Part Two

Remember the Alamo– Part Two December 2, 2023

The historic site of the Alamo is well maintained but the first impression it leaves on you how very small the mission turned fort really is, both outside and in, but one may forget this was once a small Spanish mission building.

We have persons outside, dressed in uniforms of the period (notice how much they resemble Confederacy uniforms except for the hats– not surprising since it was mostly southerner who fought the battle of the Alamo, some with the motive of keeping their slaves which Santa Anna had emancipated).

Once inside you see just how small this fort truly was. It originally had a baptistry, a sacristy and the usual structures you expect to find in a Catholic church.

Needless to say, there were not all these flags hanging in the Alamo in 1836, nor these memorials.   Here is a glimpse into the small sacristy…

There is as well a helpful schematic of the larger enclosure in which the Alamo was found.

There is even an original canon used in the battle….

There are helpful signposts that tell part of the story as well….



There is even a recreation of the original mission bell over the adjacent but inevitable gift shop…


But in the end, it is a sad story of people killing each other for dubious reasons.  Again, the Alamo was not part of the state of Texas when this battle transpired, and so I don’t think we should be glorifying those who fought on either side. Nevertheless, there are statues of the major figures outside.


This must be Travis, and clearly below is Jim Bowie with his famous knife.


And of course Davy Crockett with his coonskin cap…..

Ironically, there is a Hagen Das ice cream shop right next door.  Wonder if they serve brownies ALAMODE?

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