The Harbinger

The Harbinger December 14, 2024




Quite quiet


The Harbinger appears

Foreshadowing or foretelling

Events of coming years.


But for good or ill?

The image is opaque

The Harbinger relates

Some kind of news

But first or second rate?


Hindsight seems much clearer

The Harbinger does not

A most unwelcome warning

The future’s unclear

Like shadows before morning?


But if its undetermined

Then there’s time to make a change

Time to make amends

For wrongs that have been done,

Repenting for our sins.


The Harbinger’s a sign

Of what one day may be.

It’s not all pre-planned

Awaiting our clear response

By every woman, every man.


Hovering on the horizon

Like sunrise every day

The Harbinger demands attention

A responsible response

Intervention and prevention.


Reading the signs of the times

Is no easy task,

It requires a steady gaze

While looking for the sun

To daze or to amaze?


Most prognosticators

Are usually mostly wrong

They sing a sad lament

Will the future bring disaster

Or is it heaven sent?


The Harbinger is like a whisper

You barely hear and fear

Is something creeping up on us

Despite our best intentions

Should we ignore the fuss?


Who was it sent the Harbinger

Perhaps some evil spirit

Who seeks to do us harm?

Or was it God Almighty

Not a false alarm?


This much I know for certain

Beyond my reasonable doubt

Not knowing how the future goes

I know who holds it in his hands

And that’s all I need to know.









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