You’ve heard the saying– curiosity killed the cat. Well it’s a very good thing that train wasn’t real. My cat Minny is now 16, which in cat years is 70+42, and she sleeps wherever she wants. In a box, on the card table, in Ann’s computer chair, and at night right next to my wife. Ann is the only mom Minny has really ever had, as she was rescued from a horrible animal abuse situation in a house full of unfed cats and dogs. She was only a kitten when we got her. She’s in good health, and if she lives a bit longer we’ll need to rename her Methuselah. She is still surprisingly frisky at times, loves playing with her catnip mouse, and when she wants attention, or food, she becomes a big talker. Her basic meow sounds rather like latter day Bob Dylan, a scratchy sound. But when she’s looking for her family she goes into full deep throated talking or howling— Lest you think I’m crazy, here are some samples of cats talking, after a fashion.