When Doctrine Divides the People of God– Part Sixteen

When Doctrine Divides the People of God– Part Sixteen September 16, 2020

BEN: One comment about p. 202—Actually, if you are dealing with the case of demonic possession, there is plenty of involuntary activity including speech and actions. So there are circumstances where the powers of darkness can make a person do things. But if you mean that for anyone who has Christ as Lord in his or her life, the Devil or demons cannot determine our behavior, then— o.k. They can pressure, persecute, manipulate, but not control our behavior. Comments?

RHYNE: I am open to correction here, but I did not expect my favorite Methodist scholar to tell me I was being too libertarian in my view of free will! Just kidding. I could probably better nuance what I am saying there. My main point is that not every point of theological disagreement can be attributed to demonic activity, and I think people who find the Devil under every rock might miss that.

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