August 31, 2020

I’ve been re-reading J.B. Lightfoot’s most polemical, but also in some ways his most interesting book, ‘Essays on Supernatural Religion’. It was compiled from his various responses to the anonymous broadside entitled ‘Supernatural Religion’ which attacked B.F. Westcott (Lightfoot’s colleague and friend at Cambridge) and particularly Westcott’s John commentary, advocating instead for a miracle free Christianity focusing on Christ’s ethical teachings. The compilation was released at the very end of Lightfoot’s life in 1889. I draw attention here to a... Read more

August 30, 2020

Ann and I at a concert, we saw McCartney in Louisville on his ‘New’ lp tour and he was amazing. 3 hours, no intermission, non-stop music. I’ve been involved in music all my life, and breathless345, whoever he may be, has put together the best rock biopic I’ve ever seen, this one on Paul McCartney. It covers his life and music from 1970 after the Beatles broke up until 2020. It’s impressive and I’ve learned a lot about Paul I... Read more

August 29, 2020 Read more

August 28, 2020

In 2020, Evangelicalism of all flavors has been receiving much unwanted attention from the media due to the segment of Evangelicals loudly touting a certain brand of right wing politics of various sorts that is anti-immigrant, anti-civil rights marches, anti-women in ministry, militantly pro gun rights, and anti-masks and social distancing, among other things. Of course, they are hardly representative of many in the broad stream of conservative Protestants ranging from peace church traditions like the Mennonites to various African... Read more

August 27, 2020

So what exactly did Paul do, after his conversion, and during his 3 year stay in Arabia= Nabatea and in particular Petra? If like me you’ve wondered about this for a long time, well wonder no more. I’ve now done a historical novella about what it might have been like, and Dr. Jason Myers, my former doctoral student, and partner in fun, has done the closer look sections for the novella. A good time was had by all. The cover... Read more

August 26, 2020

This book is in some ways a sequel to ‘The Gospel of Jesus’. In this book I tried to imagine how various of the people who encountered Jesus, both men and women, would have described those encounters and the impressions they left on them. Of course for many, many of them it became a life changing experience. And this of course raises the question— What was it about Jesus that caused that to happen? Was it just the miracles? Was... Read more

August 25, 2020

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August 24, 2020

Alert Reader Professor Phil Jenkins sent this Wall Street Journal Review along to me. It should remind us all that deep desire for something to be true, does not make it true. One has to do scholarship on the basis of facts and solid evidence, and there is always a need for peer review by competent critical scholars in one’s field, not merely by friends or relatives. ‘Veritas’ Review: Crimson Faces A real-life Harvard melodrama, featuring a feminist scholar, a... Read more

August 23, 2020

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August 21, 2020

This is Paul playing in a club he played in the 60s in Liverpool– the famous Cavern Club, and with an all star band. Yes that’s David Gilmour of Pink Floyd fame on lead guitar, and Ian Paice from Deep Purple on Drums. This happened in 1999, a mere 40 years after rock n’ roll really got rollin, and only 21 years ago from now. Sadly, Paul doesn’t sound like this any more. Read more

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