Lent Action Idea: Clean the Road

Lent Action Idea: Clean the Road March 3, 2020

I have a friend whose love language is tidying up. No matter where we are, he’s always on the lookout for little things he can set to rights. If there is a scrap of paper left on the ground, he’ll make sure to grab it and throw it out, and he never leaves a dish for someone else to clean. Whenever he leaves a room, it’s better than when he entered it. He is a reliable, helpful, and observant man.  

I love spending time with him because it reminds me to keep my eyes open. His example helps me to be fully present and to take seriously the small things that I can do to make the space I’m in better for those around me. 

This week we are reflecting on the journey to Easter. We need to cultivate a greater awareness of the spiritual road we are on during Lent. In order to do this today, I have an action step for you. I want you to clean the road. 

Go outside at some point today and walk down a road, sidewalk, or path. Bring gloves and a trash bag with you, and look for scraps of trash that have been left and ignored. See how much you can clean up, and then reflect on today’s questions. 

The greatest among you will be your servant. (Matthew 13:11) 

Daily Questions 

  • Did walking with the intention of cleaning the road help you notice more about your surroundings? What were some new things you noticed that you probably would have ignored otherwise? 
  • Are there areas in your own journey that God might be calling you to pay more attention to? How might God lead you to notice situations that you would otherwise ignore? 

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