St. Ethelbert – A Leap of Faith and Leadership

St. Ethelbert – A Leap of Faith and Leadership February 25, 2021

Ethelbert was a pagan King in a territory of south-east England in the sixth century. His wife came from a ruling family in mainland Europe in order to create a powerful alliance. What was unexpected was that his wife would bring her faith with her to England which would change the trajectory of the Island. Through her influence, the door to Christianity was opened. Not only did Ethelbert convert, but missionaries were allowed into the land.  This reestablished the faith in England which had been cut off for centuries after the Anglo-Saxon invasion.

I’m inspired by the choice of Ethelbert. He was willing to risk opening his life and his land to a new faith, even in the face of significant political backlash. I find myself asking today if there are some ways that God might be calling me to a greater life of risk for my faith. I pray God would lead me to move from baby steps of faith to full-blown leaps.

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