Yale offers a free course on the Old Testament

Yale offers a free course on the Old Testament May 14, 2014

As I have written about before, I love to spend my free time listening to lectures and podcast about religion, theology and the Bible. I thought I would let you all know that Yale has recently posted a fascinating series of lectures on the Old Testament. I have been really enjoying the course so far. There are 24 classes, and each one is 45 minutes long. I thought I would share one video. They are taught by Dr. Christine Hayes, author of The Emergence of Judaism.

I found the following video to be a great example of what the course is like. It goes into how the emergence of monotheism created a radical cultural revolution in Palestine and impacted how the Bible was edited and redacted into the form that we know it today. It’s a historical critical approach to the text, and certainly not one rooted in the Catholic Faith, but I found it fascinating. Take a look! the series is a great way to get a first class education on the Old Testament without paying a first class tuition.

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