It’s Not Too Little, It’s Not Too Late

It’s Not Too Little, It’s Not Too Late March 20, 2008

My parish had a special day of Reconciliation on Monday, but I didn’t make it to confession then. Today God has put it on my heart that there is still time to make the effort and receive the grace, to be reconciled with my Father in Heaven before this most sacred Feast. My kids are sick, and we will not be attending any of the Easter Triduum services, but my parish does have several times available for Confession over the next few days and I am determined to get there. I pray that the line is long, it will mean that other souls are seeking this sacrament. Elizabeth Foss pointed out this great Guide to Confession which I will use to prepare, my mom-brain needs all the help it can get these days.

I have also been thinking of small things that I can do, on my own and with my family, to celebrate this sacred time. Perhaps a visit to the Church tomorrow, outside of the formal service. Perhaps tomorrow we will observe some period of silence, or try to stay quiet, generally. This week we have had very simple meals which has, I have found, allowed for more family time, some of which has been spent reading this book and this one.

Please say a prayer for me this weekend, as I will pray for all of our readers and families to be drawn closer to the light of Christ into which we have been baptised.

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