The Mommy Battery

The Mommy Battery June 27, 2008

Today I awoke to the not-so-refreshed, not-so-get-up-and-go mommy doldrums.  I was tired.  Actually, I was pooped.  We have been overextending ourselves lately, dashing off to various summer events.  This week, our 3-year-old has been immersed in a local Bible school, which meets every morning at a church 20 minutes away.  This means the family has to get up, get dressed, get fed, and head out the door by 8:15am (and that’s while lugging around my 34-week pregnant self!)  The homeschooling option has never looked so attractive! 😉

Whether I had realized it or not, the week’s events had taken their toll.  I was bushed.
I think most mommies in the world push their limits pretty often.  We are often managing so much, on little sleep, and with little spiritual encouragement in our day to day.  Today’s exhaustion reminded me that we, mommies (daddies too), need to be sure to take little breaks throughout the day–even a 10 minute time of prayer and meditation– to quickly recharge and give us the boost we need to tackle all that is asked of us.
God is good in that in my time of need, He always seems to provide so appropriately.  Enjoy this beautiful prayer I discovered today while reading… and don’t forget to take some moments to refresh those mommy batteries!  
O Mary, Immaculate Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, patroness of all mothers, I commend my beloved children to the Most Sacred Heart of your son, Jesus, and to your Immaculate Heart.  Please assist our family and keep us always in your care.  Please protect us from the snares of the devil and keep us on the road that leads to life.  Help me to realize my sublime mission as a mother and help me be faithful to my duties for the good of my family and the good of the entire family of God.

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