More on Palin

More on Palin September 13, 2008

Ok, I’m going to hit on two different things.

First, I was rather underwhelmed with Palin’s interview last night. Much of what she said came across as scripted and rehearsed. Putting the issues aside, her appeal lies in her down-to-earth, hockey-mom, just-one-of-us nature. Last night she seemed awkward, and very politician-like in the way she dodged questions. I’m not sure how much of this was the result of Charlie Gibson’s distasteful interview tactics? He acted more like an attack dog than an interviewer. I’ve seen Gibson act this way in debates, and his style works well when questioning multiple candidates. The setting of last nights interview, however, was more intimate. It was a conversation, not a debate, and yet he treated her like a guilty criminal on the stand. Excuses aside, however, it was disappointing to see her be so stiff.

Second, a friend sent me this LA Times article today, Canadian Doctor Warns Sarah Palin’s Decision to have Down baby Could Reduce Abortions. It is OUTRAGEOUS!

But a senior Canadian doctor is now expressing concerns that such a prominent public role model as the governor of Alaska and potential vice president of the United States completing a Down syndrome pregnancy may prompt other women to make the same decision against abortion because of that genetic abnormality. And thereby reduce the number of abortions…

…Dr. Andre Lalonde, executive vice president of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Ottawa, worries that Palin’s now renowned decision may cause abortions in Canada to decline as other women there and elsewhere opt to follow suit…

…Lalonde says his primary concern is that women have the…. …choice of abortion and that greater public awareness of women making choices like Palin to complete a pregnancy and give birth to their genetically-abnormal baby could be detrimental and confusing to the women and their families.

It really isn’t about choice is it? It is only about the choice of abortion. Nine out of every ten women abort these precious babies. But that isn’t enough. Dr. Lalonde and all those crazy pro-aborts will not be happy until every single one of us chooses death. Mothers who love their babies, love them unconditionally, no matter the disease or genetic “abnormality,” make them uncomfortable. And that is why I love Gov. Palin.

On a lighter note, I wonder what Garth Brooks would think about all this? (Warning-it is a bit cheezy)

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