Another Lands’ End Warning

Another Lands’ End Warning August 14, 2014

Over the last week, Lands’ End customers, many of whom were ordering school uniforms for their grade school children, complained about receiving an unsolicited issue to GQ with a topless woman on the cover prompting a formal apology from Lands’ End and the cancellation of all GQ subscriptions. 

Today, the CEO sent out another email warning customers that they could still receive another issue of GQ as they were unable to stop all of the September issues from sending.  So please keep a close eye on your mailboxes for another month!

Dear Valued School Uniform Customer,

I am following up on an email I sent earlier this week expressing our regret that a GQ magazine with a suggestive cover was sent to some of our school uniform customers as a part of a recent customer bonus offer. Again, I want to assure you that we are truly sorry for the error. There are simply no excuses; this was a mistake.

Our first priority is our customers. We have listened to your concerns and, as noted in our first letter, we are making every effort to halt distribution of all additional issues of the magazine. However, we have been informed that all of the August issues and less than 7% of the September issues have entered into the mail stream. As a result, customers that qualified for the initial bonus (anyone who spent more than $100 at Lands’ End from July 9 to 16) will be receiving the August issue of GQ in the next few days and some may receive the September issue in the coming weeks. We wanted to alert you of this and reassure you that all future mailings that we could impact have been halted.

On Monday, August 11, we switched all GQ subscriptions to Condé Nast Traveler. Based on customer feedback, we have now removed all affected Lands’ End School Uniform customers from that subscription as well. Lands’ End School Uniform customers will not be automatically enrolled in any promotional magazine offers of this nature in the future. If you would like to re-subscribe to a year-long subscription to either magazine, you can call 1-800-685-0089 or send an email to [email protected].

Again, we are extremely sorry that you received this particular magazine on our behalf. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions or concerns.


Edgar Huber
President and CEO
Lands’ End

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