Girls Love Dirt

Girls Love Dirt December 1, 2008

A few months ago on her family’s blog, Texas Mommy had a post entitled “Boys Love Dirt,” and while I don’t remember too many of the specifics, I do remember seeing lots of pictures of little boys covered from head to toe in dirt 🙂 I remember smiling to myself knowingly; after all, what mother of boys hasn’t experienced the clean-up associated with dirt-play? You know what I mean: the dirt under the fingernails, in the hair, in every pocket and buttonhole imaginable, smeared across the face…It’s a beautiful sight, indeed 🙂

What I didn’t expect is that my little girl, my sweet little girl that wears pretty little dresses and pink bows, seems to love dirt just as much as her big brother! Actually, Maria loves anything that her big brother does, which I’m pretty sure is universal for little sisters. She also has a very strong will (I’m staying away from the word “stubborn” because that implies that it is a negative quality), which poses its own set of difficulties when, for instance, I am trying to bring her inside for lunchtime. After prying a shovel out of her hands and unsuccessfully trying to dust all of the dirt off of her clothes without getting dirty myself, I am faced with the challenge of lifting and transporting a stiff-as-a-board, red-in-the-face toddler from the dirt-pile into the house. You wouldn’t think it from that innocent smile, would you? 🙂 
So, what sorts of fun will you be having with the kids this December afternoon? I hope that it’s not too chilly to be outdoors yet in your little corner of the world…
God bless!

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