Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure April 15, 2009

A young mother ventures out with brood in tow in the hopes of getting her oldest to preschool on time. They are already running 15 minutes late and pull into the parking lot amidst a downpour. She thankfully has packed the golf-size umbrella. No sooner do they pull into a parking space, but she quickly realizes that some serious strategizing will have to take place in order to get all three young children, herself, mongo umbrella, and mom purse into the preschool in a timely and dry fashion.

A) decides to ditch the stroller and go for the baby Bjorn, crawling over child #2, and muscling sweet infant into the carrier while huddling within the minivan to avoid the rain. She manages to unlatch the older boys and all process into preschool with mom’s one hand on the umbrella and the other holding child #2, who is holding onto child #1. Whew!

B) decides to ditch the stroller and make a run for it with all the children. She props the infant on her hip, holds the umbrella with the same hand, and hopes for the best while grabbing both older boys’ hands and making the dash inside. The two on the outside become unfortunately wet as they are the furthest from the center of the umbrella. Oh well!

C) opts for the stroller (who’s on time anyway?) and requires child #1 to push it while holding child #2’s hand and preventing both stroller and children from dashing in any inadvertant directions, thus threatening their precious lives. Lord, help us!

D) says to heck with Virginia State Law and leaves her car idling at the drop-off doors with the two youngest inside only to dash in with child #1 and get him there in the nick of time! Yes!

E) says to heck with child abandonment and runs the other direction without any children! She’s free!! 🙂

Can you tell what a spectacle we were?? 🙂
The bottomline, if we had only been on time we would have been the picture of optimization and organization. Oh, if only! You can find what adventure we chose in the comments… and I can promise you, the answer is not E!!!! God bless!

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