the little rascal with golden curls

the little rascal with golden curls July 8, 2009

Last night while I was finishing up bathing the twins, Leo (18 months) locked himself in the girl’s bedroom. I could not get the windows open from outside the house, but I did finally figure out how to take apart the doorknob. Once I rescued him, I (cleverly) put the door knob back on in the other direction, so he couldn’t lock himself in the room again.

Tonight, while I was helping the twins get their pajamas on, he locked the door from the outside! All of us were in the bedroom and he was alone, screaming again, on the other side of the door. This time I had to send my big boy out the window so that he could go around and rescue all of us.
Lion is the cutest, sweetest huggiest kid I have ever known, and he gets into more mischief, too!

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