
Swine-Ville November 3, 2009

Like many of you, my husband and I debated as to whether or not to get the kids vaccinated this season against H1N1. With our children in preschool, we were more inclined to arm ourselves against the hyped virus, but unsure whether or not it was necessary due to other procedures we could take to stay healthy.

When the schools and local pediatricians became inundated with hundreds of new cases, we became concerned (along with every other parent in the town) and sought the quickest, easiest solution to prevent experiencing this illness.
Our pediatrician initially received the H1N1 nasal mist and you’d better believe I was first in line with my boys. We had enjoyed a relatively healthy fall and I wasn’t about to jeopardize it (heavy irony here).
Day 1: Boys are willing patients. Docs immunize older two with H1N1 nasal vaccine and seasonal flu shot. The baby gets the seasonal flu shot. Later that evening M (oldest, 4.5) complains of being tired and has spiked a fever of 102.5. We assuage with Ibuprofen and send him to bed.
Day 2: M continues with fever of 103+. Other boys remain cheery and happy.
Day 3: Continuation of high fever with signs of Ibuprofen having a longer effect.
Day 4: M’s fever abates, respiratory symptoms begin. Later that evening, T complains of fatigue and begins running a fever, lower-grade. Middle of the night, baby awakens with fever of 101.
Day 5: Younger boys run lower-grade fevers and begin respiratory symptoms. M continues with respiratory symptoms–cough and congestion. Baby is tested for swine flu–Negative. (Apparently 20% of cases are false negatives. I believe ours was.)
Day 6: Mom begins to run low-grade fever, feels tired. T (3) begins to feel better as fever abates. Baby maintains 101 fever. M hampered by cough.
Day 7: Mom runs very slight fever (99.3) and begins to see respiratory symptoms. Older boys are better but with coughs. Baby still with low-grade fever and chest congestion.
Day 8: Everyone’s fevers are gone!!! We make a trip to the HomeGoods store and come back, completely wiped out. We are all coughing and congested, but ok.
Day 9: Mom visits the doc to check on a recurring ear infection, randomly decides to be tested for swine flu. POSITIVE for swine flu; contagious until Friday. The doc thinks I picked it up from the kids’ vaccination response. Praise God it is subsequently a very, very mild form of the virus.
All of our attempts to stay healthy, get vaccinated, etc., etc. has cost us this. If I had it to do all over again, I can’t tell you I would do this again. One thing is for sure, I will never vaccinate my children with a live flu mist again. We had a bad reaction last year to the seasonal flu mist and now we’re once again dealing with the aftermath of the H1N1 live mist. I do not claim to be a knowledgeable medical source on the subject, but thought our readers would benefit from knowing our situation. God bless!

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