Frivolity to Asceticism

Frivolity to Asceticism October 26, 2010

As with most mothers, there is a calculus that goes on in my mind every time I am about to spend our family’s resources on something. Most of our clothes are second-hand and I make extra trips to food stores in order to get the best food items for the price.

It is with this frugality in mind that I recently questioned some “silly” items I purchased. Then I reconsidered, “why is this silly? Just because it enhances my ascetic experience of life? Didn’t God give us senses for a reason?” But then again, why am I buying $15 worth of decorative seasonal muffin cup papers if that is precisely what I saved by getting my produce at the market instead of the grocery store? I feel conflicted here, because I aim to live a life free from hypocrisy or double standards. I want our children to see that we are consistent in every decision we make, however, those mauve and golden paisely muffin cups might be just enough to turn my frown upside down on a Monday morning as I eat a pumpkin muffin. I just don’t think I am ready to make the clean break.

What are some of your “frivolous” purchases, and do you think this is even an issue on which to spend moral-brain-cell-time?

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