Body Parts

Body Parts April 8, 2011
“For as in one body we have many parts, and all the parts do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another.  Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them…”  Romans 12: 5-6

I am reminded today of the beauty of the body of Christ here on earth; the breathtaking richness of each quality and talent among believers.  This weekend my husband and I will present as a team on an Engaged Encounter weekend.  We will address 20+ couples in a myriad of talks, honing our public speaking skills and performing for a crowd.  We hope the weekend will be blessed for all those attending.

As I began to prepare this morning for our first talk, I was reminded that this is really not about me.  This is a God thing.  I am merely his tool.  Not only that, I am one tool in a whole tool belt of people who will make this weekend happen.  There will be worker bees organizing and welcoming when the couples arrive.  There will be an entire crew of people who will set up and make sure we have napkins and coffee and ice for drinks.  There will be an entire team of people praying for each of the engaged couples, arranged by a phenomenal gal who organized them and wrote up prayer cards to be given to the couples.  Then there will be even more people, who will return at the end of the weekend, take down, put away, and haul away all the resources to be used again next month.

Praise God for the Body of Christ here on earth.  Because I could never do it all by myself and He doesn’t ask me to either!

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