Goin’ Back, Indeed

Goin’ Back, Indeed June 1, 2011

Kat, Mary Alice, Juris Mater, and B-mama

What joy it brought us to visit dear Princeton this past weekend. They do up reunions rather well, leaving a sweet, sweet taste in the mouths of their alums. There are few trips that leave us happier upon departure than arrival and this is definitely one of them.
FT with Aquinas offspring


How can you argue with 3 fun-filled days, jam-packed with all things orange and black; many school-spirited cheers alongside thousands of other people who feel as nostalgic about your school as you do; good friends who fill your heart with kindness and joy and faith? They remind you of who you are, from where you’ve come, and that there are good people in the world.  We especially enjoyed communing with all of our wonderful Aquinas friends on Saturday morning.  We met up for a morning brunch gathering and had the chance to get the kids together and see our beloved Father Tom (FT).  It was a chance for us to share our Princeton passion and let our kids taste the goodness of community.

Juris Mater was there to showcase her newest sweet bean.  The rest of her crew was adorable and kind.  She is doing an awesome job as a fourth-time mommy and seems to have it all together.

Kat and family had traveled across country the day before, rolling in Friday evening.  She, ever calm and patient, was no worse for the wear and handled their travels with apparent ease. Her kids were in great spirits and my boys loved the chance to spend with her oldest, Christopher.  Maria and Caroline couldn’t have been any cuter–I ate up their girliness and lovely chatter the entire weekend.

Mary Alice was her usual kind, thoughtful, and calm self.  She exudes peace and reason to me whenever I’m with her–and undoubtedly brings that to her wonderful children.  They are all so fantastic and it was great fun seeing how much they had grown since we last saw them.  My guys also loved playing with her oldest, PT, who was such a good sport.   It also brings joy to my heart seeing her youngest boys and how beautifully they roll with her large crew.

All in all, what a blessed time to see these girls.  We are so lucky to have one another!

B-mama and the boys
G Clan post P-rade
Our little football man

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