Epic October

Epic October October 26, 2011

Since there is a noticeable dearth of October baseball posts from MaryAlice and Red this year and we all miss Mr. MA’s poetry, I will fill in the void before it’s too late.

I grew up in St. Louis, my husband was born in Dallas. Our family has an AL and an NL team that we root for…the Rangers and the Cardinals. So this World Series  is epic…determining bragging rights for all future family Thanksgivings, Christmases, etc. for possibly the rest of our lives. There is a lot riding on it!

I admit I am exhausted. We have been staying up until all hours of the night for the last few weeks (can you say extra innings?), living and dying on each pitch.

Our homeschool days begin by watching the highlights of the previous night’s game.

My husband may even be more moody than me, his pregnant wife, depending on what the preceding 24 hours have wrought.

My children now know more baseball stats than addition tables, more about pitching rotations than the chronology of ancient Egypt (ahem, which is actually on the syllabus).

I have lost track of all the bets between our two families.

My 4 year old woke up yelling for me in the middle of the night yesterday. I ran in thinking that he was having a nightmare and he was choking back tears as he said that he forgot to watch the World Series highlights from the night before.  I told him to go back to bed.

Both sets of grandparents are trying to outdo each other in buying the childrens’ loyalty to their teams. We have stuffed Fredbirds, Rangers bats, and more t-shirts and hats that I can keep track of.

So, one day very soon, this epic battle will be decided, my husband will hopefully return to the real world, my children to normal schooling and I will get a decent night’s sleep again.

And one side of the family will have the final word on baseball for ever after.

But until then, it is game on. And it is crazy fun. I have both my Cardinals and Rangers shirts at the ready. May the better team prevail!!

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