Lunchtime Links

Lunchtime Links February 8, 2012

Josie at 2 weeks old

And a shameless newborn shot. She was only 2 weeks old in that photo, she’s now over a month old.

I can’t really do much book reading these days as my free time in broken into very small chunks. So here’s some blog and current event food for thought…

WSJ–New Guide to Who Really Shouldn’t Eat Gluten — I admit that I had a particular interest in this article after being diagnosed with Celiac Disease two years ago. I think the categories of wheat allergy, gluten intolerance, and Celiac disease are muddy at best, and the article highlights this and discusses the rise of gluten issues in our population.

WSJ–Planned Parenthood’s Hostages–More on the Komen, Planned Parenthood debacle by Princeton’s very own Robert George.  h/t to Mr. Red for the link.

NYT–Romney’s Long Slog  —  The Republican race for the nomination has gotten quite interesting after Rick Santorum’s sweep yesterday.  Apparently Romney is still the frontrunner, but the race is certainly heating up.

NYT–Flood the Zone  —  More from David Brooks on the HHS Mandate and how it really isn’t going to benefit those most in need.



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