Please Pray

Please Pray June 10, 2012

Tomorrow, Mr. Red and I are making the trip to Texas to be with Katrina and her family as they meet their precious baby Annie.  Please pray for our trip, and the trips of all their family members and friends who are traveling to meet Annie.

And please, please keep praying for Katrina and her family.  Pray for them tomorrow as they anticipate Annie’s birth.  Pray for them on Tuesday the 12th, the date Annie will likely arrive.  And then please keep praying for many days after that.   Your prayers are so powerful.

I had the honor of meeting Katrina’s daughter Lucy six years ago.   I remember walking into their hospital room and feeling showered with God’s grace.  All the anxiety, worry, sadness, and tension in my body melted away as I looked at the beautiful face of Lucy and then into the loving eyes of her parents.  Their joy and sorrow gave expression to God’s love so beautifully; it was as if time stood still and a piece of heaven floated down to greet me.

It reminded me of my sweet Therese, and the absolute love and joy I felt holding her in my arms.  On the day Therese was born, the room felt brighter, my body felt lighter, and my heart was so at peace.  I knew God was present in that room.  I could sense Him right there, taking my baby to a place of perfect peace and love.  There were no doubts, and no fears, only love.

I am asking God to grant Katrina and her family the same peace on Annie’s birthdate.  Please pray for that with me.

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