April 1, 2014

I think my sides are still hurting from all the laughter I shared with dear friends, Kellie, J’, and K’ this past weekend in Las Vegas. It has been going on fifteen years since Kellie and I roomed together at Princeton, but that girl still knows how to get me rolling. No sooner had we collapsed into bed Thursday evening our first night, but we were cracking up over some misadventure. We talked for a good hour lying there, giggling... Read more

March 31, 2014

  Occasionally, I am tempted to feel overwhelmed by all the needs and hurting in the world.  The overachiever in me sometimes feels restrained by the demands of daily, family life.   Really, can I do any good for the wider, broken world in the midst of meal prep, laundry loads, potty training and nap time?   In those moments, I need to settle my restless heart with a reminder from Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta: “Do ordinary things with extraordinary... Read more

March 29, 2014

My kids have been begging constantly to fill the kiddie pool in the backyard. I keep telling them that we will when the temperature reaches the 60s and sunny. This morning, after putting breakfast dishes away, I discovered them playing in the pool, clad in swimsuits, in the 45 degree morning rain. They were just happy that the pool was filling steadily with rain water, hypothermia or not. If Philadelphia hands you an everlasting winter… make spring! Read more

March 26, 2014

I had the honor of attending a memorial Mass today.  The precious firstborn son of a sweet couple in our Parish was laid to rest.  His birth was greatly anticipated.  His death was not.  Our Parish was full of loving friends and family.  Tears flowed freely as his tiny little casket was wheeled into the Church.  There should never, ever, be a need for a casket so small.  Death is hard enough, but the death of an innocent child is... Read more

March 26, 2014

Whilst I am guessing that I do not have a ton in common with the author of this NYT Moderlode post, Shouldn’t the Breast Pump Be as Elegant as an iPhone and as Quiet as a Prius by Now?, I couldn’t agree more with her in this case. Having spent, to date, about 4 years of my adult life strapped to a pump 4-8 times per day due to a circulation disorder, I would love nothing more than a small,... Read more

March 25, 2014

In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And coming to her, he said, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary,... Read more

March 24, 2014

My mother was a vegetarian in her teens and early twenties mostly for health reasons… all before meeting the son of a cattle rancher. As a result — and even as we had a farm of our own and ate meat often growing up — she knew a lot about the chemistry and nutrition combo’s to get complete protein in other ways. She recently reminded some of the younger mommas in our family about one of her go-to recipes, and... Read more

March 20, 2014

“When we spend time with God, we bring something with us for others, and that is supposed to decrease, to be lessened while it enriches others.  No water boy should complain that the bottles get empty when he goes down to the field. His job is to go back and fill them up again.”  ~Dr. Edward Mulholland, Benedictine College This Lenten season, I have tried to spend more time with God in prayer.  I have been encouraged by an excellent... Read more

March 18, 2014

Whether or not the weather will cooperate, I am beginning to catch the spring cleaning bug around here.  It started the other day when my dear husband arrived home and pronounced that our house was “dirty and falling apart”. 😉 You can imagine I initially took a bit of defense to his claims.  This is my terrain, excuse me, and I work hard to keep it a nice place for our family to live. All it took was me stepping... Read more

March 17, 2014

As I cleaned my yard and raked dead leaves and sticks out of my bushes on Saturday, I tried to ignore a warning that we were in for another storm.  More snow, my neighbors shared, shaking their heads and lamenting the worst winter they can ever remember. It was nearly 60 degrees on Saturday, with a beautiful warm sunshine.  There were crocuses sprouting up throughout my yard.  Those little purple flowers always give me such hope.  Spring is nearly here,... Read more

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