Support this Blog on Patreon (and Let’s Spread the Word About Contemplation and Mysticism)

Support this Blog on Patreon (and Let’s Spread the Word About Contemplation and Mysticism) November 28, 2017

Patreon allows you to support writers and other artists whose creative work you love.
Patreon allows you to support writers and other artists whose creative work you love.

Dear readers, please support this blog.

After much consideration (and prayer!), I’ve set up a page on Patreon — a website where you can support writers and other artists like me — people who are engaged in on-going creative work.

My blog is a forum devoted to Christian mysticism and contemplative spirituality. I write about the wisdom of the great Christian mystics of the past, the practices that can help you foster a meaningful contemplative practice in your life, and related topics (such as interfaith dialogue). I also regularly publish reviews of books related to contemplation and mysticism.

I began this blog very much as a hobby, because this is a topic dear to my heart. By the grace of God, I’ve had the opportunity to write several books and out of that I’ve been blessed with many opportunities to lead retreats and give talks at churches, monasteries and even seminaries. Contemplation and mysticism are important topics, and both practicing Christians and people who identify as spiritual-but-not-religious want to learn more about the rich heritage of Christian mysticism and contemplation.

This blog fills an important niche. It takes time to maintain it and to continue developing, writing and publishing new material. I have a lot of ideas on how I can continue to develop the blog. But because of the time commitment, I need support from readers like you who have found this blog helpful on your spiritual journey.

You can make a monthly pledge in any amount on Patreon. Even a dollar a month would make a difference!

Your humble blogger...
Your humble blogger…

When you make a pledge, you become part of the team — a team of patrons who join with me in the conviction that mysticism and contemplation are what Christians need, and what the world needs. Because of the support of patrons, I will be able to continue publishing new material, and hopefully expanding the voice (and reach) of this blog, to get the word out about mysticism and contemplation to others.

I regularly get emails from readers who tell me how important contemplation and mysticism is to their spiritual life. How many people are there who are in the same boat, but haven’t discovered the tradition of Christian mysticism — yet? Perhaps this blog will help them.

So please — help me to keep writing about these topics we both love so much. Become a Patreon patron today!

There are thank-you benefits to being a patron.

  • If you pledge $3 or more per month, then each month you’ll have access to one or more new poems that I’ve written;
  • Pledge $5 or more per month, and in addition to the poetry you also get access to new meditation on one of the Christian mysteries each month;
  • Pledge $20 or more per month, and every time I have a new book published I’ll send you a free autographed copy (sorry, this offer is only for USA residents);
  • Pledge $50 or more per month, and you’ll be invited to participate in a quarterly live-stream video conference with me.

Every pledge makes a difference, so please give at the level that works for you — every patron will be acknowledged on a special thank you page on my website, which will launch in January 2018. Make your pledge before then and you’ll be a “charter patron”!

Together we can make a difference.

Thank you for your support.

If you are new to this blog, here are a few links to some posts that will give you a taste of what this blog is all about:

Enjoy reading this blog?
Click here to become a patron.


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