September 24, 2022

There are literally hundreds of mystics in the Christian tradition alone — or, should I say, hundreds of mystics who were writers (no one knows how many great mystics were too humble to write about their union with God, and so their wisdom is lost to history). And while some mystics like Julian of Norwich only wrote a small amount, others like Thomas Merton or Teresa of Ávila left us enough writings to fill multiple books. The bottom line: if... Read more

September 15, 2022

The year 1952 in England has gotten a lot of attention lately, with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Her seventy-year reign, the longest ever for a British monarch, began with the death of her father, King George VI, on February 6, 1952. But on September 15 of that year, C. S. Lewis published the third of his seven Narnia books: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. So happy birthday, Dawn Treader! People who know me know that I love this book, which... Read more

August 20, 2022

N.B. Today’s guest post is by Carmen Acevedo Butcher, Ph.D., renowned for her luminous translation of The Cloud of Unknowing with the Book of Privy Counsel. Her latest book — a new translation of Brother Lawrence’s Practice of the Presence — will be published on Tuesday, August 23, 2022. Order your copy by clicking here. “If the little ship of our soul is still rattled and tossed by winds or by storm, let’s wake up the God who’s resting there.” Brother Lawrence’s epistolary advice to a nun... Read more

August 6, 2022

Twice this week I have learned of the death of an acquaintance. I hesitate to say “friend” because neither of these people were friends in a close sense: one of them I hadn’t seen or been in contact with in almost four years, the other not since the mid-1990s. But they were both men I liked, and both I knew through church. One was a Jesuit priest at my parish from 2017-2018, the other the organist at Fran’s and my... Read more

August 3, 2022

A reader of this blog sent me the following question today. Hi Carl, I see from conservative Christian circles that WCCM and Centering prayer is labelled new age and dangerous. Are these practices Christian really?  Or are we trying to incorporate eastern meditation into Christianity ? First, the short answer. Contemplative practices like Centering Prayer and Christian meditation are rooted in the Christian tradition, roots that go back to the Desert Mothers and Fathers and the medieval mystics. These are... Read more

July 28, 2022

An awake heart is like a lighthouse helping others to find a safe way home. ―Rolf van der Wind I’m one of over thirty presenters for the 2022 Mystics Summit hosted by The Shift Network — along with Mirabai Starr, James Finley, Rami Shapiro, and Greg Boyles, among many others! It’s free to register for this five-day event. To sign up, register here. Here’s the description of the event from the folks at The Shift: As the increasing noise, chaos,... Read more

July 27, 2022

Hi friends, I’m happy to announce that my Celtic spirituality course through the Spirituality and Practice website will be running this August — August 8 through September 2, 2022!  To register for the course, click here. The course will include a Zoom call with  me on Thursday, August 18. Here’s the description and enrollment information from the S&P website: Celtic Spirituality with Carl McColman Monday, August 08 – Friday, September 02 Shrouded in legend and imbued with romance, the Celtic lands of... Read more

July 22, 2022

I was speaking recently with one of my Patreon supporters (Patreon is a crowdfunding program to support writers, bloggers, musicians, etc. This blog is made possible by the generous people who support it through Patreon). She asked me a blunt question. How do you do it? How do you, as someone who writes about contemplation, respond to the political moment that we find ourselves in? Such an important and vital query, and not one easily answered! When I first started... Read more

June 28, 2022

Hi friends, I recently was a guest on the “Mystics and Skeptics” podcast. Needless to say, we talked about… Christian mysticism, of course! Sybil, the host of the “Mystics and Skeptics” podcast, is a wonderful conversation partner; she and I quickly developed a rapport which led to a wide-ranging conversation about mysticism — both Christian and in general — and how it relates not only to religion but to life. I hope you enjoy listening to the conversation as much... Read more

June 8, 2022

Join me (Carl McColman) for a special online quiet day of reflection on June 25, 2022. We’ll spend time together in silence, and I’ll share with you some of the wisdom of two of my favorite 20th century theologians: Kenneth Leech and Pauli Murray. Ken Leech (1939-2015) was a priest of the Church of England, a tireless advocate for social justice, and renowned for his work combating homelessness, racism, and privilege of all kinds. But he was also an authority... Read more

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