Erotic Playing Cards from the Biedermeier period in the collection of Erwin Kohlmann (Photo: Camelia Elias)

What is this dark time of the year, when it’s not about belief, whether the biblical or the pagan?

Without the cards, the first thing that fell into my head as a quick answer was a favorite line from the movie All the President’s Men: ‘If it ain’t sex, follow the money.’


The virgin Mary got impregnated and Joseph said, ‘I didn’t do it.’ I wonder if the holy ghost enjoyed it. As for the pagans on yule night, I can just imagine it…

What do the cards say?

Erotic Playing Cards from the Biedermeier period in the collection of Erwin Kohlmann (Photo: Camelia Elias)

I’m using the erotic playing cards from the Biedermeier period. I cant’ show you the ‘subtext’ of these cards, only visible under a lamp or candlelight, for obvious reasons. Suffice to say that I find this deck of cards appropriate for this question, when so much twisted cultural context is in play.

The first thing that I notice is that there are no women here. So, this December time is not about the virgin or other whores.

Rather, it’s about the naughty King of Spades and what he stands to gain. A lot of money.

He has an idea of pleasure on his head, but this is only useful to the extent that it can be put to work in the service of money.

So, the very clever movie line applies: ‘If it ain’t sex, follow the money.’ We’re definitely with the money here.

Many will receive gifts in the following days. I hope you all enjoy them to the fullest. I hope many of the recipients are the invisible women, who serve their masters and children silently and diligently.

To the ones who know better than to follow Christmas and Yuletide stories, I hope you get a book or cards full of exquisite erotica. Reading such things is the best and fastest mode towards answering the question of what the meaning of life is, in case you’re wondering.

Happy holidays to you all.

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About Camelia Elias
Camelia Elias, PhD, Dr.Phil., is a former university professor. After 20 years in the academia, she left her career to pursue her interests in teaching and writing on the philosophy and practice of reading cards. She works with contemplative arts, oracular language, and martial arts cartomancy and Zen at her own school, Aradia Academy. You can read more about the author here.

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