When we read cards, we don’t always understand what we see. We go with the images in front of us, and see them dress and undress our perceptions. The more we pay attention, the more we can ask questions. Is loosening up and throwing away the art of composure and self-restraint worth anything? Not if the Fool is in the larger picture, following Temperance, and the Star. If Judgment comes after the Fool, we’re with the idea of leaving behind a world of mastery in favor of the circus. Some fools go to where the noise is the loudest.
As the circus never demands any skills of its spectators, it’s convenient. It’s entertainment. It’s play. It’s ‘giving permission’ to be a fool, to perform silly dances on the internet because that’s what people want to see, fools being more foolish than themselves. ‘Come ye, all naked and undressed, with your private parts dangling. There is virtue in your exhibitionism. Voyeurists love to see your gifts, especially your laziness. Anything else is sooo last century…’ Indeed, last century we were all tightened robots. Now we’re all authentic individuals, showing our humanity. ‘Yay,’ people go, merrily, merrily beyond shaming, and rejoicing in the cult that’s called ‘shallow thinkers, unite.’
We move on to the Lenormand cards. What do we see here? Man, the Star, and the Key. The man inspires to brilliant solutions. Or how is it these days informed by ‘politically correct’ slogans: ‘down with the patriarchy?’ A man holding solutions is something we must be suspicious of. Fine, but I see no call in these cards to join the kindergarten of fools rebelling against their fathers. A relief to all who don’t have a habit for joining the circus.
And the playing cards, what might they say? The Queen of Diamonds, Two Hearts, and the King of Clubs speak of a collaboration informed by love and goodwill. The woman has ideas and the man implements them. High class level.
I can say that I speak about myself and the ways in which I position myself against the trend of celebrating self-validation in the name of exactly nothing. Right now I’m collaborating with my partner at Aradia Academy towards a new approach. As the man takes over the teaching of my Three Foundation Courses in cartomancy, I’m happy to see what we’re moving into: work that positions itself precisely against the world of fools. If competence, precision, and delivering the perfect, elegant message from the cards is something that you want to participate in, then hop on board. The class is not for the many, as it’s capped at 50, with 41 spots already gone. The 21-week course in how to read with the Marseille cards, playing cards, and the Lenormand Oracle under the signature of Read like the Devil starts tomorrow.
The strength of the course is the teacher feedback, as Bent Sørensen will comment on each and every student contribution. Quite the treat, given his entirely devilish approach to the cards. Learn to go beyond the mere clichés, either this side of your ‘humanity’ or the other side of it, where you simply stop looking at yourself in unedited form – ‘because that’s the coolest thing’ – and focus instead on cultivating real interpretative skills.
For more such practice with the cards, join the Read like the Devil Practice Club. Visit also Aradia Academy and sign up for the newsletter that will keep you informed on upcoming courses and cartomantic activities. Note the Off the Shelf offering that also includes free resources.